Chitubox not opening .stl file or project files

Gill Scott 2021-8-29 2420

Since updating to latest version 1.9.0, Chitubox will no long open .stl files or project files.

When I select open (to open stl) message says 'The file cannot be accessed by the system.'.  Same message appears when I try to open a project file.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalled but no luck.

Any ideas please as I basically now can't slice anything.


New Post (2)
  • 2021-8-29
    Quote 2Floor
    Hi I had the same problem I uninstalled Version 1.9 and reinstalled Version 1.7 that seemed to work for me.
  • Gill Scott 2021-9-6
    Quote 3Floor
    Oh that sounds good but I can't find where to find older versions.  Can anyone provide a link