Slicing and saving time/ problems (Elegoo Mars 3)

2021-9-27 791


I have some troubles with slicing and saving my files for my Elegoo mars 3.

When I fill my plate (total of 6 figures) I get troubles with slicing. After I adjust my settings so the program doesn't calculate the price for my print, I can slice my figures. But when I try to safe the file so I can print it, it freezes at 50% - 70% and from that point it just stops and won't finish saving my file.

If I wasn't able to do this from the beginning I would assume it is my computer. The thing is yesterday I made a file with a full plate, sliced it (adjusted the setting so it doesn't calculate the consumption) and even saved it... 

Is this a bug? Or am I missing something?

Anyone else with this problem?

More importantly how can we fix it?

Thanks in Advance

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