File type for Mars3 Printer

2022-1-23 734

I've tried to bring in files and unsuccessfully print on my Mars 3 using Chitubox Pro.    I am trying .stl and I feel like I need to convert to .ctb but am unable to do this.  I have Mars 3 selected as my machine.   What step(s) am I missing.   THis is just a calibration .stl that I feel I should be able to adjust parameters, save and go. 


New Post (2)
  • Cliff Knight 2022-1-23
    Quote 2Floor

    .STL files are model definition files, describing the surface of a 3D model--they are not "slice' files for feeding a printer. You need to load the .STL fuiles into Chitubox and then after positioning and orienting hem as desired "Slice" the model to produce and save it to a .CTB file. .CTB files contain printer instructions and"slice" images for the printer--copy it to your flash drive for printing...

    model loaded, click [Slice] to create printable "slices":

    model "sliced", click [Save] to save as a.ctb file:

    select .ctb as file type, name and save file:

  • 6 Months+
    Quote 3Floor

    To speed up app startup time, consider implementing lazy loading techniques. Load only the essential components and data required for the initial screen, and defer the loading of non-essential assets until they are needed. Caching frequently accessed data locally can also reduce response times by minimizing network requests. App Development Process