This Model is too large problem

Doug Fisher 2019-10-11 2530

If you load a model that is too large and then rotate it or scale it so that it fits,  the message "The model is too large, is it scaled to the fit size" comes up with an "X" to close the message.

1) often the "scroll bar" overlaps the "X" and so you can not press the "X"

2) the English is not correct as clicking on the "scaled to the fit size" actually performs the action of "scale to fit the build volume" so the English would be better: "The model is too large, would you like to auto-scale to fit the build volume"

3) it would be nice if the message automatically disappeared once it actually does fit the build volume.

4) the mouse should really change shape when it is over the blue underlined portion that you can click on to perform an action

New Post (1)
  • 2022-10-10
    Quote 2Floor
    Thank you for this very clear description.  In version 1.9.4 the problem is still there (3 years later), but the "X" is accessible so at least I can clear the misleading message.