Writing File Does not respond

Guest 2022-2-25 615


I've been experiencing a problem with Chitubox PRO v1.1.0 - OS Win 11

After I slice the model, I can see the preview and slices fine.

When i try to Save .CTB file It starts to Writing file... process but gets stuck in random point in progress.
To be able to test it;

I left it open over night to see;

-If file is gonna finish writing.

-to see if chitubo gonna crush or become unresponsive.

As a result; 
File didnt finish writing, Chitubox wasnt unresponsive or crushed. It was still responding but the writing file was just stuck in same position.

I did check if file was already saved and UI was giving me problem, but it wasnt case too. Nothing was written / saved.

Including a screenshot below from overnight progress....its still writing :)

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