Some ideas to work faster with chitubox

Guest 2020-1-8 1053

Hey Guys, hey chitubox-Team,

first i will say, i really like to work with chitubox. i like the features from update to update.

But every time i work with chitubox i miss 2 important things to make it easier and faster for me to work.

First please give us some shortcuts, i hate it to click every time on the left side to rotate it again and again, same for scale etc. for example s for scale, r for rotate..

Second is a better view from the bottom, when i want to support my printobject its sometimes very difficulty to have a good view under my object. i think when i can move the whole view in the room/space it will work better.. actually when i zoom in the object go to the bottom of my screen.

this is all actually, i hope you want shortcuts too :D

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