New User - .Proton File Missing on Anycubic Proton printer but is on USB stick

Guest 2020-5-13 2433

I have the Anycubic Photon (Not the S).  I have set up the printer in settings, the slice is successful and i find it on the USB Drive.  The file saves a .proton file like it should.  When i transfer the USB drive to the pritner, the printer does not recognize the file type. 

What am i doing wrong?

New Post (2)
  • Guest 2020-5-13
    Quote 2Floor
    Update and Fix:
    I determined that even though i just bought my anycubic, i had a VERY old model.  Upon watching a YouTube Video from 2018 i determined my firmware was outdated.  as such i went to anycubic's website and downloaded the new firmware, updating from version 3.7 to whatever the current firmware is (5 something).  this allowed the .proton file to be viewed and accepted by the printer.  am printing a test file now, will update in ~2 hours
  • cbd 2020-5-13
    Quote 3Floor
    If you need to use the photons format, it is recommended that you update to the old firmware. Now it supports pws file format