Goof on my Supports

David Hofmann 2020-6-12 710

So while working on supports, I changed the Z Lift Height to give me a bit more space on the base. I thought I checked to make sure the rafts were extended, but I apparently didn't. As a result half my supports are in the air. Anyone know an easy way to solve or do I need to remove them all and replace them?

New Post (3)
  • cbd 2020-6-12
    Quote 2Floor
    Change the height of z-axis back to the original height
  • cbd 2020-6-12
    Quote 3Floor
    The bottom valve is also part of the support
  • David Hofmann 2020-6-13
    Quote 4Floor
    I tried to change it back to the original, and the newer supports end up bellow the plate.