cws-plugin for Nova3d Elfin

Marzahn 2020-7-1 2877

I'm on macOS 10.15. I succeeded to compile cws-plugin after correcting some c++ issues. Chitubox accepted the plugin and offers the -cws extention. Novamaker loads the model.cws file and sends this to Elfin but Elfin does not start anything and reports failure immediatly. More or less it acts similar when I send a model.slc file.

Noca3d does not accept chitubox .slc files but from others.  The cws-pluin does not offer any profile.cfg.Does the problem depend on the G-Code?

New Post (3)
  • cbd 2020-7-2
    Quote 2Floor
  • cbd 2020-7-2
    Quote 3Floor
    There is a video of the plugin and the correct installation of the plugin
  • 2020-7-29
    Quote 4Floor

    Hi, My Elfin won't accept the CWS files output from Chitubox, it just says 'failed to load file'. I have tried changing setings etc but no joy.