Possibility to "push" down supports from above.

2020-12-21 562

I am new to resin and once thing I have found is while adding supports I often use the viery from the top as I scroll up though the model to see islands more clearly than scrolling upr from below where other parts of the model get in the way. But then when i want to add a support i have to spin the model till i am under it before i can add the support. 

It would be nice to be able to click from the top view and have the support created downto the build plate / other part of model. Then once all the islands are suported to then flip the model and tidy up / repostition supports as needed. 

May be this is just me as a novice to supports but i find it so much easier to see islands clearly looking down from the top of the modle as i scroll though it, so it seems sensible to be able to add supports from this view, rather than having to keep flipping back and forth. 


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