Chitubox export for Photon File Validator

2021-1-7 2860

Dear all
I'm using and Elegoo Mars 2 Pro. I need to export in Photon File Validator format under macOS. How do I do it? The only way I have found is slicing using the default printer (with parameters modified like the Elegoo) than slice. Is there any other method to do this? Once I correted my file I than slice with the Elegoo. But... If I try to slice again with the default printerand then import again in Photon File Validator it show others problems not fixed. Does any slice is different from the other? Thanks a lot.

New Post (2)
  • cbd 2021-1-7
    Quote 2Floor
    Island detection function has been added in chitubox 1.8.0.
  • 2021-1-8
    Quote 3Floor
    Hi. Saw it but it's not as clear as in PFV. Also, 1.8 is in beta and after one hour slicing it crashed and lost all of my work.