Cones and Spheres

Guest 2021-1-21 591

Im working on a project and Ive decided that I want to get into 3D resin printing Ive spent the last 4 months studying and learning as much as I can. Im ready to print my second print so yes this print is a bit ambitious. The model is two cone shaped objects. Everything seems fine except on the interior of the cones there is a red ring and on the exterior its a green ring all the way through the slicing. The thinckness of the cones walls are .0369thou of an inch. Im just curious as to if the surface of the cones interior will be affected? Blender is the modeling software. and the Printer is an Elegoo Mars Pro 2. 

New Post (2)
  • 2021-1-21
    Quote 2Floor
    Wont you have issues with printing a inverted cup shape? where the air gets trapped inside and as it come down to the screen resin getting squease in and out from under the model can casue issues. 
  • Guest 2021-1-23
    Quote 3Floor
    I can add a vent into the design. So about the red line in the pic....will this cause deformation in the cone shape itself? If I completely invert the model I would have to add supports on the inside but that doesn't seem like it would work. If I put it at a 45, and it deforms it would seem to be worse.?