Slicing Bug - Hole Disappears

Guest 2021-1-31 943

Working on a project, and for whatever reason two big holes are disappearing when slicing. They appear on the STL, as well as in Chitubox before slicing, but moving the slider up and down reveals that the holes are getting treated as solids and filled in. Its only two of the 7 holes on the file that are doing this, and the rest print as intended. 

V1.7 and V1.8 do this. 

Any advice would be appreciated. 

New Post (2)
  • cbd 2021-2-2
    Quote 2Floor
    Please check if your hole is in order and if you will be missing a surface? You can try using the automatic repair function.
  • 2023-2-4
    Quote 3Floor
    Thanks, the auto repair function worked for me.

    In my case I was using some boolean operations in blender to cut out hole and I didn't see that the normals were inverted.

    Fixing the normals made it show up again, after slicing. The auto repair in chitubox also worked for fixing the normals.