[1.8.1] Skate raft can't be removed

2021-2-8 1095

In 1.8.1, if you start with supports that don't have a raft skate, and then change the option from "none" to "skate", the skate will be added, but if you go back and select "none", the skate will remain.

New Post (3)
  • cbd 2021-2-17
    Quote 2Floor
    Yes, at the moment you can only add, not remove, optimisation will follow
  • 2021-2-25
    Quote 3Floor
    cbd Yes, at the moment you can only add, not remove, optimisation will follow
    Hi, the problem is that, when passing from "none" to "skate", it adds both the square base and the skate, which causes issues.
  • cbd 2021-2-26
    Quote 4Floor
    Hi, the problem is that, when passing from "none" to "skate", it adds both the s ...
    We will optimizeb