Changes to "Start" GCode for resin printer are ignored

Guest 2021-2-10 1951

I've added commands to the gcode under "Start" for my LD-002H printer but they are ignored. Why? The goal was to drive the platform up and down a few times before printing, to remove bubbles between platoform and FEP. I made the Gcode visible (by editing CHITUBOX64 1.7.0\resource\machine\CREALITY_LD_002H.cfg: gcodeEditVisible:1) and changed the commands under "Start". These were the default commands of Chitubox:

M106 S0;
G28 Z0;

In words: Set units to mm; absolute coordinates; fan off; home z axis. I changed that to:

M106 S0;
G28 Z0;
G1 Z5 F25;
G28 Z0 F25;
G1 Z5 F25;
G28 Z0 F25;

However, the added movement commands (G1) were ingored. In fact, I can delete the entire list of commands under "Start" and the printer still behaves normally, as if it had these commands (it will still home). Is it not possible to issue commands by editing the GCode in Chitubox?

New Post (3)
  • Cliff Knight 2021-11-27
    Quote 2Floor

    My experience has been that customisations of  the "editable gCode" are either ignored by the printer (in my case a plain ol' Mars), or not processed by the application--I suspect the latter, there is a lot of functionality promised by Chitubox that is not delivered. Overall I find CB to be quite a conundrum--when it's good it can be very, very good; but when it's bad it's rotten.

    The ever-changing "QT" libraries are a real PITA, between CB not launching and crashing other applications--I don't think "Quick-Time" is ready for prime time either...

  • Cliff Knight 2022-1-7
    Quote 3Floor

    I was browsing the online support for Chitubox and found this disclaimer:

    Something that would have been good to know a year ago, before we banged our heads into why it didn't work...

  • Cliff Knight 2022-1-11
    Quote 4Floor

    I ran a quick test (see below) in which I sliced and saved the same model twice, once ( Test-with-GCode-00.ctb) with some 100 characters or so of gCode defined in the printer profile (my plain 'ol Mars), and once ( Test-wout-GCode-00.ctb) with the gCode deleted--as you can see below the file sizes are identical at 242,343 bytes. a pretty good indication (even with compression algorithms applied) that the gCode was NOT output into the Test-with-GCode-00.ctb file.

    file sizes:

    So, do not waste your time tweaking or otherwise mucking about with the gCode settings unless you output to a .zip or other "sliced" file "derived from" the .zip format...