Variable Z layer slicing

Elvin 2019-5-3 1409


I am looking for a feature to be able to print variable layers for my Anycubic Photon printer, like between 10-100um with 5 or 10um increments. I see there are some other softwares which are not compatible with the Photon that have something similar and I see that others are working on it too.

Is there by any chance already this possibility with ChiTuBox or is it coming in the near future?


New Post (3)
  • Elvin 2019-5-20
    Quote 2Floor
  • Phoenix Fox 2019-8-2
    Quote 3Floor
    This would be a very good feature. I have the SparkMaker FHD, and I wish i could have the raft and supports print at 0.1mm, and then when it reaches the bottom of the actual imported STL, it could swap to 0.5mm or 0.025mm. I feel like the printer spends a long time printing very high quality supports.

    Maybe it would also help reliability. If the resin is not filtered well, then it's a good thing for there to be a little more space between build plate and FEP/LCD in the first few layers. More space for any little bits to get out of the way or be incorperated in to the printed model.
  • Guest 8 Months+
    Quote 4Floor

    So I have edited every single version of the Flashforge_Foto_8_9.cfg file I have (in Slope Game Basic 1.9.4 )...

    It STILL refuses to allow me to save a sliced file in .svgx format. Nothing I seem to be able to do allows me to save in this format.