Program crashes when Tolerance Compensation is enabled

2021-5-25 679

The title basically says it all, when I enable either Tolerance Compensation or Bottom Tolerance Compesation and start slicing, the program simply crashes midway slicing (around 30%). The log shows nothing about it.

Program version V1.8.1., Windows 10 computer.

New Post (3)
  • Guest 2021-6-2
    Quote 2Floor
    Sorry for the error. At present, there is a BUG in tolerance compensation in version 1.8.1, which can be switched to version 1.8.0 for slicing. We will fix this BUG in the follow-up. Two versions of software can coexist as long as their paths are different.
  • 2021-6-3
    Quote 3Floor
    I have an add on question about this feature.  Does hole compensation work if my model is printed at an angle?

    I'm guessing that if the compensation is done on each sliced layer there would be issues if the model was rotated.

  • Guest 2021-6-3
    Quote 4Floor

    Whether the inner diameter compensation takes effect depends on whether the current slice can form a completely closed path. If the rotation causes the slices to fail to form a completely closed path, the inner diameter compensation will be ignored. For example, only the green part in the picture has inner diameter compensation and outer diameter compensation, and the red part has only outer diameter compensation.