Missing parts of raft in the slice

2022-5-18 585

I am having this issue with several different creators' pre-supported models when slicing. I have asked other customers of these creators if they have seen this issue and no one I've talked to has seen this. I do not know if any of them are using Chitubox.

Two images are included to show the issues coming up in the rafts when the models are sliced. The supports and model are fine--this only occurs in the raft.

Looking for any help before I decide I need to use another slicing software. 


New Post (2)
  • Li Geng 2022-5-23
    Quote 2Floor
    Replied to your ticket, check the ticket, please.
  • Guest 2022-6-8
    Quote 3Floor
    I am having the same issue, and it just started happening in the last couple of weeks. Seems the raft is not being made solid and I don't know how to fix it.