Layers missing after slicing in 1.6.5

Guest 2020-7-25 1011

I decided to try out the new anti-aliasing options in 1.6.5 but noticed in my sliced files that there are gaps and missing layers in pieces of some supports.

I can't tell if this is caused by these new settings as they still seem to happen with only anti-aliasing turned on, i've also tried slicing the same file with the same settings in and had no issue at all.

The gaps in the supports cause the support to start out and then completely fail.

EDIT: after fiddling around with slicing for a while it seems and 1.6.5 are hollowing some of my supports when slicing but I have no idea why. 1.6.3 seems to be fine but has longer slicing times.

New Post (1)
  • cbd 2020-7-30
    Quote 2Floor
    Please use calculated volume slice