How does Anti-Alias settings work

2021-1-24 966


In the settings from the preview drawing it looks like 2 is the smoothest and 8 is the lowest (aka more blocked) Anti-Alias. Is that correct?

I would expect 8 to by the smoothest (highest setting) Maybe I misunderstand. :)

The same for Grey level. 1 has the most grey and 8 has no grey. Is this correct?

Image blur is 2 least and 4 most blur. This is what I would expect.

Kind regards, Thak you for making such great slicer!


New Post (2)
  • cbd 2021-1-26
    Quote 2Floor
  • 2021-1-27
    Quote 3Floor
    Thank you for this great link! I am just to stupid to understand the values in the program (Image blur and Anti alias) 
    Anti Alias is 8 smoothes or like on the preview in the settings the most blocked??
