Unknown file format for Eleegoo Mars Pro

Guest 2021-6-13 16003

Hello all

I have the problem after exporting the slicer file from or Chitubox 1.0.1 that my printer Elegoo Mars Pro does not recognize the file although exported as ctb.

what could be the reason 

Greetings Pascal

New Post (7)
  • wangjingjing 2021-6-15
    Quote 2Floor
    Hi. It is recommended that you update the printer firmware. If it is a .ctb file cut out by Chitubox Pro, the printer needs to update the firmware to read and print. To use CHITUBOX Pro, your computer and 3D printer need to satisfy the minimum system and printer firmware requirements listed on the CHITUBOX Download download page. https://www.chitubox.com/en/download/chitubox-pro
  • Guest 2021-8-15
    Quote 3Floor
    I updated my firmware for my printer and even reinstalled the software for chitubox and I still can't use them.  Files from a previous version still work however.
  • 2021-8-22
    Quote 4Floor
    how did you update the firmware? did you use a usb stick? i cant fint out how to update mine...
  • Tiffany Schmitt 2021-8-24
    Quote 5Floor
    I'm having the same problem. I'm not very computer savvy, so the instructions are very confusing for me.
  • Guest 2021-9-6
    Quote 6Floor
    What they need to do is give better instructions.  We just set up our Elegoo Mars Pro 2 and got the 'unknown file format' error.  After much frustration I figured out how to do it simply.  They actually give you THREE files to download.  So yeah, download all three of the files.  THEN..I had photos but I guess I can't post them, so in words:

    Open the ELEGOO MARS 2 PRO Firmware.... file folder
    Then open the 'Machine Firmware folder"
    You will see 3 files:  mars2prochitu main... , Update.SH4 and V2_P316_CTB_ZNP04_F23.CBD

    Select and Copy these three files to your flash drive.

    Insert the flash drive into your 3D printer.  
    Select PRINT
    Select the .SH4 file and hit the Print (sideways triangle) button-when finished installing, press Confirm
    Next select the .CBD file and hit Print (sideways triangle) button-when finished installing, press confirm
    Finally, select the mars2prochitu Mainb.....TXT file and hit Print (sideways triangle button)-when finished installing, press Confirm.  Go back to your main screen and then turn the power to the 3D printer off.  Wait 10 seconds, turn the printer back on and then find your file you want to print and GO!
  • 2021-9-8
    Quote 7Floor
    This has raised its head again today. I just updated to another newer firmware on my Mars 2 V4.3.13-F2.23 and now with Chitubox ver 1.9 the mars doesnt recognise the file type and I have had to roll back to Chitubox 1.8.1to get prints to work.
  • Guest 6 Months+
    Quote 8Floor

    Hello Pascal uno online,

    If your Elegoo Mars Pro printer is not recognizing the exported slicer file from Chitubox, there could be a few possible reasons for this issue. Here are some things you can check:

    File Compatibility: Ensure that the exported file format is compatible with your Elegoo Mars Pro printer. The Elegoo Mars Pro typically uses .ctb (Chitubox) or .photon (Photon S) file formats. Double-check that you have selected the correct file format for exporting in Chitubox.

    File Transfer: Make sure you are transferring the exported file to your printer correctly. You can try transferring the file directly to the USB drive or SD card that you use with your printer. Ensure that the file is placed in the appropriate folder on the storage device.

    Firmware Compatibility: Check if the firmware on your Elegoo Mars Pro printer is up to date. If not, consider updating the firmware to the latest version, as it may include bug fixes or improvements that could resolve compatibility issues.

    File Naming: Check if the file name of the exported slicer file contains any special characters or spaces. Some printers may have restrictions on file names, so it's best to use simple, alphanumeric names without any special characters or spaces.

    Slicer Settings: Review the slicing settings in Chitubox before exporting the file. Ensure that the settings are appropriate for your Elegoo Mars Pro printer, including the resolution, layer height, exposure times, and any other relevant parameters.

    Test with Different Files: Try exporting and printing other files from Chitubox to see if the issue persists. This will help determine if the problem is specific to a particular file or a general compatibility issue.

    If you have tried the above steps and the problem still persists, it may be helpful to consult the user manual or contact Elegoo's customer support for further assistance. They will have specific knowledge about your printer model and can provide guidance on troubleshooting and resolving compatibility issues.

    I hope this helps, and good luck with your printing!